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6 Trends For A Successful Instagram Strategy

Like all social media platforms, Instagram is constantly evolving. In order to create brand awareness, a modern Instagram strategy is essential for companies. We’ll tell you which trends you shouldn’t do without in 2022.

Eleven years have passed since Instagram was founded in 2010 by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger. Since then, the app has grown exponentially, and with it, how and why people use it. Over a billion people are part of the Instagram community today. According to a 2017 data collection by the platform, over 200 million Instagrammers visit at least one business profile every day – making it one of the most important digital selling spaces. But be careful: Instagram marketing is not only subject to rapidly changing trends, but also to new features and functions that entrepreneurs should definitely know before they use them.

Learn to understand promising social network mechanisms to develop your Instagram strategy for 2022.

1. Quality content creates good relationships

Instagram is ideal for addressing your target group on a personal level . Ideally, you will create lasting relationships with your dream customers, get to know their needs and problems, and find suitable solutions that you can pack into content. Quality content generates the most valuable leads because they are based on an authentic connection. As Instagram is currently experimenting with hiding the actual number of likes, the importance of quality content is growing all the more. Likes no longer show how the success of good content is measured. Rather, honest comments winand the number of times a post is shared in value. However, the best measure of success is the memory function, because it suggests special appreciation for a post and is classified accordingly.

2. The importance of captions

What began as a photo medium has long since established itself as a platform for micro-blogging. For successful Instagram marketing, high-quality photos and professional graphics are just as important as appropriate, cleverly formulated texts. In order to develop an Instagram strategy for companies, good captions are essential. On the one hand, these should provide your followers with real added value and, on the other hand, help you to get more involved. The more engaged your community is, the more likely the algorithm will reward you with more reach. A caption can be a maximum of 2,200 characters long and thus offers enough space without straining the attention of your community. Digital storytelling works best when credibility, tension trigger pure emotions. Pro tip: to make longer stories visually compelling, you can use the carousel feature and split your content across multiple slides.

3. Show emotion and authenticity

Connecting with other people and meeting like-minded people is one of our basic needs. No matter how pristine the photos on your Instagram feed are, if there’s no human behind them with a real personality , your followers won’t engage in dialogue – rightly so, after all, nobody likes talking to a robot. As a company, dare to express your opinion and show your attitude. Always focus on the values ​​that define you as a brand and regard them as the common thread of your communication strategy . Only through authenticity build trust and make your community feel understood.

4. Use of Video Content

The success of TikTok has once again proven the importance of video creation for social media . It is not for nothing that Instagram followed suit in August 2020 with the “Reels” feature. Reels are 15-second videos that you can edit with augmented reality and other creative tools and share to Instagram Stories , your feed and the Explore Page. The aim of video content is to grab the attention of your followers and keep them for as long as possible. Instagram is always coming up with new, more creative ways to entertain the community. As a company, you can, for example, shoot a short “behind-the-scenes” video with reels or create your own AR filter and thus yours Encourage followers to participate . Biggest advantage of reels: placed on the Explore page, your reels can be seen not only by your followers, but by all Instagram users.

5. Use Instagram Shopping

2020 was a record year for online trading, and not only because of the corona pandemic. As early as 2019, a study by Facebook found that 70% of shoppers found their products via Instagram. Product-based companies should therefore definitely use Instagram’s shopping function. Experts also expect the area of ​​e-commerce on the platform to be further expanded in 2021. Instagram already offers entrepreneurs the opportunity to set up their own online shop and generate direct sales of the products – and without having to steer their dream customers away from their leisure platform, this is how effective Instagram marketing works.

6. Influencer Marketing via Stories

According to Instagram Marketing Software Later, influencer marketing is expected to generate a whopping $15 billion in revenue by 2022. Who collaborates with influencers should not only have a feeling for the compatibility of the brand ambassador with their own brand. The channel on which influencers show paid content is also crucial. Although it was launched four years ago, the story function for influencers is still the most used feature. Regular posts in the feed are often not seen by the target audience and are accordingly used less by influencers. 88% of influencers regularly publish their content via stories and the trend continues. From a company’s point of view, it is therefore advisable not only to carefully curate the messenger and the message, but also to use the medium with the greater reach.

Also Read: Has An Online Shop Been Created? Sell ​​Better On Instagram! Step By step Instructions

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