Home DIGITAL MARKETING New Challenges For Marketing

New Challenges For Marketing

With the end of 2021, it is time to take stock of a year, to say the least, tumultuous. Although it has been a general trend in almost all economic sectors, when it comes to marketing, the conclusion is more than clear: the digital channel has been the protagonist . Looking ahead to the new year, the strategy will be to bet decisively on digital tools, although without losing sight of the physical channel, whenever possible. Any company that is not aware that new technologies are not an option, but a necessity, will lose many opportunities in 2022.

At this point it is unnecessary to list the advantages that new technologies have brought to alleviate somewhat the collapse of the economy caused by the outbreak of the pandemic. Without the use of telecommuting or online sales, many companies would not have been able to bill, leading them inevitably to closure.

The much talked about digital transformation, a process that seemed to take a long time in recent years, had to step on the accelerator to the full in this 2021 in many companies.

Keys to a successful strategy

Ensuring that the future of the marketing sector goes through digital is already obvious. What will then be the keys to a successful strategy? In the cited article, Digital Marketing points out that the physical and digital channels will have to be at the same level, since the user will not differentiate them. Users, moreover, with new behaviors, with consumer trends forged during confinement, and who are going to demand different and unique user experiences.

The digital marketing multinational Antevenio points out that technologies and solutions such as Artificial Intelligence and augmented reality applied to ecommerce , virtual events and video training, the fragmentation of OTT television services or esports are going to be very popular trends. take into account this 2022. All this together with tools that can be lost sight of when it comes to having a competitive marketing strategy: data analytics, machine learning and cloud technology .

Beyond specific technologies, Deloitte points out what will be the main trends in marketing in this new year, thanks to a survey in which nearly 2,500 consultants and more than 400 company executives have participated. The consultant points out that, in addition to accelerating technological processes , it will be necessary for companies to specify their objectives and purposes more clearly, involve consumers with brands by increasing interaction, humanize the service in such an impersonal era, create trust with a reliable brand and generate strategic alliances.

But Deloitte also points to a trend that talent will be the most important asset. The crisis has changed the way of working in such a way that companies are going to focus on making their talent a strategic and differential force. In fact, the use of technological tools will free professionals from certain recurring tasks so that they can innovate.

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