Home TECHNOLOGY Now New: Hardware-As-A-Service

Now New: Hardware-As-A-Service

No matter whether IP telephones, headsets or professional video conference systems: With our new hardware-as-a-service offer, you can now not only buy hardware, but also easily rent it with our Placetel telephone system at attractive conditions and thus benefit from many advantages .

What is Hardware as a Service (HaaS)?

Hardware-as-a-Service is a sales model in which hardware and service are purchased or rented as a complete package for a monthly fee. The rented hardware remains the property of the seller.

Why Hardware as a Service?

Rent instead of buy? More and more companies are also opting for an as-a-service model for hardware. Because hardly any other industry is as fast-moving as IT, which brings new technologies and trends with it almost every day.

At least since the beginning of the pandemic and the transitional home office obligation, it should have been clear that the future of working is hybrid. Companies have to rethink their workplace concepts accordingly and modernize traditional processes.

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Benefits of Hardware as a Service at a glance

In the following we have summarized the advantages that you can expect from our hardware-as-a-service model:

Elimination of high one-off investments

High one-off investments are a thing of the past. With our HaaS model, you get the devices you want at attractive monthly prices.

Rental examples:

  • You can get the Cisco 6821 IP telephone for only €3.00 per month.
  • You can purchase the Cisco 730 headset for €10.00 per month. to rent.
  • The new Cisco Webex Desk is available for €89.00 per month. available.

Excellent Support & Free Exchange Service

In addition to providing the hardware, service is of course also included in our as-a-service model. In case of questions or problems, customers receive professional and fast help from our support team by phone, e-mail or chat. Should one of the hardware devices show a defect over time, you will receive a free exchange service during the entire rental period. The rental model keeps the effort for you as a customer as low as possible.

Maximum flexibility

Just like the principle of Software as a Service, with HaaS companies only pay for devices that they actually need. If fewer workstations are needed in the office – for example because more employees are working from home – excess devices can simply be canceled and returned after the minimum contract period. With new employee settings, employers can easily and quickly add additional hardware to the telephone system. The rental model can be adapted to the needs of your company at any time and offers you the scalability and flexibility that hybrid work structures demand.

Always state-of-the-art

After the minimum contract period of 24 months, you have a free choice: either you keep your rental device or you simply cancel the contract and switch to a newer model.

Sustainable use of technology

Another advantage of our new HaaS model is the sustainability factor. Companies can now benefit from the latest devices without having to dispose of them after a short period of use. Because Cisco hardware that is no longer needed does not end up in the trash, but is 99 percent reused or recycled.

Small and medium-sized companies can not only save financial resources with the rental model, but also protect the environment at the same time.

Also Read: Facilitate Remote Working With Online Management Software

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