Home BUSINESS How Can I pay With PayPal On Amazon

How Can I pay With PayPal On Amazon

They sent you some money via PayPal and now you wish you could spend it to buy yourself something cool on Amazon? Choose the products you like, maybe you can also find them with a nice discount, enter the delivery address and at the time of paying the nasty surprise arrives: I’m blind that I don’t see it or it’s an error on the site, because I just can’t to see the option – that’s what I thought when it happened to me.

Unfortunately it is not a mistake and, fortunately, you see very well: there is no PayPal payment method. If you have ended up on this page, however, it means that you are not giving up and would still like to find a way to use your money and buy yourself those gadgets you have chosen.

How can I pay with PayPal on Amazon if it doesn’t let me choose it anywhere?

Don’t worry: all is not lost. There are ways to get around it and not one, but 3, although, alas, they are not free. Nonetheless, it’s still better than not being able to use your own money.

If you think so too, then take a few minutes to read the article, see the various ways and choose the one that is most convenient for you. If you are curious we will also see why this payment method is not present on the largest retailer in the world.

How to pay with PayPal money on Amazon?

Those who are used to buying online and decide to buy on Amazon for the first time are always amazed that one of the largest monetary services in the world cannot be used. On many e-commerce, from small artisan shops to online shopping giants, and on sites like eBay you can almost always pay with PayPal, without any problem. But on Amazon no, at least not directly.

The only payment methods accepted are credit cards and debit cards, or prepaid cards such as PostePay, some virtual cards and gift vouchers. As I just told you, however, there is a way to get around it, small tricks that use other services and cards to transfer your money to, and then use them directly for your purchases.

Here is the ways you can pay for Amazon purchases with PayPal money:

Transfer funds to an associated card

The most comfortable and painless way is to transfer the money to your personal account. To open an account on PayPal and verify it, in fact, you need to associate a debit card, credit card or a bank account – if you don’t have one but you need it, I suggest you try N26 and its current account at no cost . If, for some reason, you do not have an associated card or it has expired, you can register a new one very easily directly from your personal page.

Once the procedure is complete, you have the possibility to transfer the money to the linked card as long as you leave a 1% commission on the amount sent.

To withdraw your money, first log in to the PayPal site , log in and go to the wallet section from the top menu. Here you will see your balance and click on the Transfer Funds button just below. On the new page, select Transfer to your bank and then the card you just linked. You will usually receive the money in a maximum of two business days and then you can use the money you transferred from PayPal to pay on Amazon with the card you sent it to.

Among other things, keep in mind that with Visa and Mastercard there are almost never problems, but with Maestro there are many who have seen the payment rejected, so if you have more than one I suggest you opt for the one based on the first two circuits.

Obviously it is a pain to have to pay for your own money, but if you want to withdraw your money from PayPal there are no free ways and since it is not accepted by the site, you cannot use it directly. Despite the cost of the transaction, the best way is to first transfer them to your card which you will then use for purchases. Below we will also see 2 other possibilities, but this is the one I most recommend and when you see them you will think like me too.

Why Amazon doesn’t accept PayPal

It would be a lot easier if the ecommerce giant accepted this payment method, but we’ll hardly ever see it happen.

The reason why Amazon does not accept payments with PayPal is nothing more than pure hatred and competition. The two, even if at first glance they have nothing or almost nothing in common, they have always been rivals. PayPal used to be connected to Ebay, Amazon’s biggest competitor and, even if they are now two completely different companies, the war is not over.

There is also a second reason which is longer term. Amazon, in fact, is investing heavily in its AmazonPay payment system, an online payment service that rekindles a great rivalry between the two companies again. Although it is not very developed in Italy, its use will be increasingly common in the future and favoring such a large competitor would be like shooting yourself in the foot.

In short, if the first reason could be forgotten over time, the fight for a greater market share will never stop and we will hardly ever see the possibility of paying directly with PayPal on Amazon.

In short

PayPal is a service increasingly used worldwide to transfer money between friends, customers and more. Despite the growing competition and variety of such services, it still remains the most used and most reliable.

Unfortunately, as you have seen, there is no free and direct way to pay on Amazon with PayPal, but you will always face commissions of some kind that are certainly not very high, but certainly annoying.

The most painful procedure is that of Lottomaticard and in the past not a few have complained of problems with this card. If you’ve got to try it, leave us a comment and share your experience. Write to us even if you know other ways that we have not listed above.

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