Home BUSINESS Simplify Your Business Together With WhatsApp

Simplify Your Business Together With WhatsApp

Almost every smartphone has it preinstalled, it is easy to use, and the possibilities are growing. WhatsApp is evolving from a simple messaging service to a relevant communication channel for companies and customers.

You can read in our article how you can now establish new customer relationships and simplify communication familiarly.

Why WhatsApp?

Accessible to everyone

Using WhatsApp is particularly barrier-free and intuitive. Even users who use comparatively little digital communication use WhatsApp. This enables you to reach a wide range of customers. It is also a channel for your employees that you can easily use.


Instead of writing long emails or calling customers afterwards, they can easily leave messages with WhatsApp. The many features that Messenger now offers are also helpful. Locations or contact details can be shared with just a few clicks.

Easy contact

Contacting us via WhatsApp is quick and easy. Customers can also easily send photos or describe their problems by message. You can also get the messages if the phone is overloaded again and doesn’t stop ringing. So all sides are more flexible.

Professional knowledge: The messenger service has had its business version since 2018. You can use it to create quick replies or out-of-office notes, for example. The standard version can also offer sufficient functions, especially for small companies.

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Customer service via WhatsApp

The above benefits make WhatsApp an ideal way to grow customer service. They signal that you can be reached at any time and offer quick solutions. In addition, contact via the familiar channel appears more personal than support via email.

Important: As in your business, you should define a start and end time for replying to messages. After all, it would help if you also end your workday. Communicate these times clearly so that customers don’t get into trouble.

WhatsApp as an advertising channel and newsletter

Messenger can also be used to send advertising or a newsletter. The easiest way is if you create a group for this that you can invite customers to. Do not add the contacts without consulting the customer! It looks like spam and doesn’t go down well.

WhatsApp etiquette for companies

Strictly separate private and business matters

While tempting, you should strictly separate personal and business messages. This keeps the communication clear and professional.

Don’t take calls

WhatsApp is supposed to accelerate and straighten your communication. It is therefore important to use the app consistently as a news service. So do not take calls through the service. You have your hotline for this.

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No spam

Do not bomb your group with too much information and actions. Otherwise, the members will quickly get annoyed. It is better to distribute selected advertising instead of posting each offer individually.

Funny pictures or videos are taboo. An exception applies if it is part of a campaign, such as at Christmas.

Clear contact persons

Make it clear to your customers who you are in contact with. If several employees use one account, they should always introduce themselves briefly at the start of a conversation.

Polite and correct

Also, on WhatsApp, you wish everyone a good morning and a nice day. Orientate yourself by the way you normally talk to customers. Then you do everything right in Messenger.

Also, refrain from only writing in lower case letters – that doesn’t look serious.

Use smileys sparingly

When it comes to smileys, opinions differ. Some say that they are not wanted at all in communication with customers, while others take it easy. We say: by feeling. If it suits your communication, use it. But please always be economical.

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