Home HEALTH & WELLNESS Hepatitis Protection For Travelers

Hepatitis Protection For Travelers

Brief info & tips

  • Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver that can be caused by viruses.
  • Depending on the virus infection, hepatitis A, hepatitis B , hepatitis C, hepatitis D, or hepatitis E develops .
  • The risk of transmission of hepatitis is increased in many travel countries.
  • Hepatitis is highly contagious.
  • Inflammation of the liver can be severe and fatal.
  • There are vaccinations against hepatitis A and hepatitis B.
  • Information on hepatitis vaccination booster

Prevention of hepatitis for travel through vaccination

Hepatitis A vaccination is still possible on the day of departure ( “last-minute trips” )

  • A single dose of vaccination is enough to have protection for the trip, even if the vaccination would take place on the day of departure itself.
  • Due to the long incubation period and the quick build-up of the vaccination protection, the vaccination can be administered shortly before departure, for example for “last-minute trips”.
  • The second vaccination takes place after 6 months so that long-term protection is achieved.

Plan hepatitis B vaccination 1 month (at least 3 weeks) before departure

  • For hepatitis B, two vaccinations are required at an interval of one month before departure in order to have protection for the trip.
  • There is a short vaccination scheme: Here, vaccination protection can be achieved within 3 weeks with 3 vaccinations.
  • In both cases, a further vaccination is required after 6 or 12 months in order to achieve long-term protection.

Seek advice from your doctor

In principle, any doctor can give vaccinations against hepatitis. What can you do not forget to freshen up?

Fit for travel offers you a selection of doctors trained in travel medicine in your area.

Also Read: Asian Destinations To Travel To According To Your Family-Style

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